3rd Friday Dance - A monthly dance with dj, a theme, and munchies for sale - OPEN TO EVERYONE!
Lions Club - An official Lions Club that raises money for Marin charities.
Basketball for Winners - Our team plays people from the community.
Party Night - A fun mix of the arts: collage, karaoke, stained glass, jewelry, crafts, etc...
Yearly Events - Holiday Party, Halloween Party, Special Sponsored Programs.
World Beat Dance - Create dances and music with an array of ethnic instruments.
Date Night - Tickets to local productions, Picnics & BBQ's, Movie Night in the Park, and more.
Movie Night - Group gathering - meet friends for dinner and a movie at the Northgate mall.
Sports Night - Join friends for three wacky sports per night!
Be Healthy! - Nutrition and weight loss program geared to our clients needs but all are welcome!